Monday 18 July 2011

Why My Life is Good, Part 2 AKA When I Possibly Say The Thing I'm Not Supposed To

The second reason I consider my life to be good is because, well, I LIKE that my disability makes me different. You know that scene in Love and Other Drugs when Maggie goes to the alternative Parkinson's conference and there is a comedian there who says stuff that is only funny to other people with Parkinson's? Sometimes my life is like that...certain humor or experiences that others without disabilities/my disability might not understand, I get. For example, do you know what a friend of mine did when we had a Snow Day at my university? He built a snow mount and people tried to fly off of it in their wheelchairs. (I did not participate because I was already recovering from a broken leg that I had acquired in a completely non-fun way...but it sure looked fun.) Similarly, I just love how there are certain things in my life that only people with disabilities would understand, like how being an inch too far forward in your wheelchair really does make a difference in one's comfort level. I love how people in my life start fabulous organizations like 3E Love and how it's super exciting when they accomplish new goals for the first time. Overall, I just love how my life has a slightly different spin to it, it certainly keeps me on my toes! (Well, not literally. :)

*Disclaimer-This series of blog posts is solely reflective of MY views about having a disability. Certainly not all people with disabilities would agree with me, probably not even all of my friends with disabilities would agree with me, just wanted to make sure we're clear on that. :)

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Why My Life is Good, Part 1

I decided that I wanted to do a series of posts on the blessings that I feel having a disability has brought to my life.* The first thing I thought I'd talk about is the joy of having Personal Assistants or PAs, as I am used to calling them. For a person who loves to hear people's stories as much as I do, seeing 2 or 3 different people in a day (or maybe more) is like heaven to me. The thing about having PAs - at least in my experience - is that you often get pretty close to them pretty fast. After they get used  to my care routine, there isn't much left to do but TALK (or listen to Taylor Swift or watch Regis and Kelly, Ellen and Rachel Ray :) )! Happily, this means I get to sometimes become the person who gets to hear the everyday things about people's lives. That test that was stressing a college student out a couple of days ago? I get to be the one to ask how it went. It's almost like I'm a person's roommate or significant other in the sense that sometimes I am the first or last person someone sees in a day, so I get to hear little details that other people either won't get to hear at all, or won't get to hear until later. It is an honor and a privilege to play that role in a person's life, and as each new phase of life begins and/or ends, I always miss the stories of former PAs.

For the PAs reading this, I hope that you know how much it means to me that you treated/continue to treat me like your friend and not just some JOB. Thanks for enjoying telling me things, needing to vent to me, and making me feel like we had/have a mutually beneficial relationship. I love you guys for that - and many other things - more than you could possibly know.

*Disclaimer-This series of blog posts is solely reflective of MY views about having a disability. Certainly not all people with disabilities would agree with me, probably not even all of my friends with disabilities would agree with me, just wanted to make sure we're clear on that. :)

Friday 8 July 2011

5 Things I Loved About Today

Since I couldn't think of anything else to write about, I thought I'd do a post on five things I loved about today.

1) The weather-Since I no longer live in IL and as such am not constantly exposed to humidity during the summer, I don't really take gorgeous-weather days for granted. So when they come, I eat them up. Now if only I could figure out an easy way to get in my parents' pool...

2) My wrap from Tim Horton's -bacon, cheese sauce, egg, whole-wheat tortilla...MMM... For my American friends who are not aware, Tim Horton's is the Canadian equivalent of Duncan Donuts. It's a Canadian icon that has coffee that I actually LIKE. (This is a miracle.)

3) Finding out an old friend is engaged and appears to be living a very exciting life that's only going to get more exciting. I VERY MUCH hope we get to Skype soon.

4) Speaking of Skype, I love that I am really starting to use it now. Sooo easy and so fab, especially because the reception in my parents' house is HORRIBLE. (More Skyping, less cell phone chatting please people. :) )

5) Knowing that I get to see one of my favorite people tomorrow. :) A person who makes me laugh, challenges me, and just is genuinely a fabulous friend.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Family and Friends

As I said to someone in an e-mail the other day, I've always really loved the idea of friends becoming family/family not necessarily requiring a blood relationship. This idea was first shown to me through my childhood best friend's family's relationship with another family in their lives. The mothers had known each other since - I believe - the eldest children were very young, and now these children and the ones that followed referred to the parents as "Auntie" and "Uncle." The idea that one could CHOOSE whom they love in that familial way was a beautiful idea to me even at age seven or eight. Now, I've often felt/still feel a bit guilty with how enamored I am with this particular concept, because my blood-family is AMAZING, and I will be the first to tell you that I do not appreciate my spectacular parents NEARLY as much as I should (although I think I usually feel very aware of how lucky I am to have my sisters and amazing extended family). Still, the concept of non-blood family has always held an extremely special place in my heart.

One set of people that always come to mind when I think of my non-blood family are the Harpers (not their real name). I have known the mother of this family since I was eight and she was sixteen (not the same family discussed above). She was my camp counselor and we always had a special bond that intensified when she was my main Personal Assistant in grade 8. We lost touch for awhile due to moving but when we reunited about six years ago via e-mail, I knew that our bond was still there. Now she has four kids, and it was/has continued to be established that this means that I have three nieces and one nephew, and the last niece has one middle name that matches mine. I don't think the mother in this family knows exactly what it means when she says things like "So your nephew..." or tells me that when she dreams of big family trips I am included in them. It means everything: It means someone has chosen to love me so much that I hold a special place in their heart and life. It means I am invited to birthday parties even when I cannot attend, and am constantly asked by my eldest niece when I am coming to visit.

The Harpers are not the only heart family I have. There are other friends whose babies I know I will rock or whose kids' dance recitals I will try my utmost to attend (or at least make a surprise appearance at). Essentially it comes down to this: for me personally it feels good to be wanted and seeing similar themes in other people's lives just makes my heart sing because it's good to know there is that kind of love in the world.

Tell me about your non-blood family. I'd love to hear!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Why I Love Blogs

So since I just posted some of my favorite blogs, I thought my next post should be about why I have fallen in love with blogs in the last couple of years. Essentially, it is for a couple of reasons. First, literally my favorite thing in life might be hearing other people's stories. And an important part of all the blogs I love consists of people telling their stories, so every time I read a blog it's like catching up with people's stories. I'm in heaven. Those of you that know me in real life are aware that I have a big imagination, so I often fantasize about meeting my favorite bloggers either purposefully or by accident, like if I ran into Elizabeth Esther and her five kiddos and husband at the airport or if I visited Mary Kathryn at the make-up counter where she gives makeovers and encouragement. (MK, if you're reading this, don't be creeped out; imagining scenarios is just one of my quirks. :) ). If I ever actually meet any of the bloggers I love, it will legitimately be a dream come true; I hope it happens! As I said to Mary Kathryn on her blog the other day, it's not that I think bloggers are cooler than other people, it's simply that I get to know their hearts faster, which leads to me simply dying to AT LEAST have a good conversation with them and AT MOST be their friend. (I haven't found any bloggers I want to marry yet, except maybe Preston, because he wrote a beautiful letter to his future wife the other day, but I will keep you posted. :) )

The second reason I love blogs - at least the ones I read - is because they make me feel less alone on my faith journey. Turns out, I'm not the only person who has questions about Hell or why some parts of the Bible are difficult to understand or is unable to feel the love of God sometimes. I am a worrier so you have no idea how much more secure this makes me feel. Just like everything else in life, not feeling alone in exploring faith is a beautiful thing. So, as I said in the other post, please explore the blogs I have listed. Even if you don't agree with all they say, I promise you you will discover beautiful souls. In that spirit, do you have any favorite blogs? Let me know.

SOME blogs I Love


After a looong (in "blogging time") time away from the blog, I'm back. I thought while I figure out other content to post, I'd make a list for you guys of SOME of my favorite blogs, since I promised a friend I'd make her a list anyway. Mostly, I read blogs that discuss or have the theme of Christianity woven through them. I'm not going to give synopses other than that because I am bad at those. I'd love for you to read them and tell me your thoughts. Seriously.

These are in no particular order:

Elizabeth Esther

Ministry so Fabulous

Beauty for Ashes-My first "blog friend" Mary Kathryn Tyson

Emerging Mummy

A Deeper Story: Tales of Christ and Culture

A Holy Experience


These are some of the blogs whose posts I anxiously await. Please go explore.

And just to remind you of a couple of my "in real life" friends that have blogs, Amanda , Maddie and Melanie

Enjoy, and stay tuned for another post tonight or tomorrow!