Monday 8 August 2011

Hello Again

Hi Guys,

Once again, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I wish I knew what to write about. There is so much I want to say, and sometimes I just want to pour it all out here. Journaling has never been effective for me; for myself it seems redundant, I want someone to hear my thoughts and respond to them. At the same time, I don't want to lay myself bare. What if I write something and it causes someone to realize how much I suck? What if no one else agrees with me about something, and thus I end up thinking I'm nuts? But I really do want to become a "blogger" so what to do.... *sigh*

Nothing much else to report.



1 comment:

  1. Hey Carmen,

    It's been fun for me reading your posts, even though we haven't seen each other in many years.

    I wouldn't worry - I think a lot of people would have the same anxieties about putting personal things online. But you only need to write what you want to be out there. And there's a chance that anything you write could make people disagree or think you are nuts. But the people who already know you will not let one small thing they disagree with change their established opinion of you. And you can sometimes find great people that you can disagree with and still like as people.

    You can always try looking for prompts or interesting questions to get you started - if you could make a movie about some funny event in your life, what would it be? Or what do you think others might find surprising about your daily routines? I have had fascinating conversations with people about what is 'normal' to them when it comes to doing dishes. Maybe you have some thoughts about abnormal normal things?

    Allie Hui
